
I was opening my water bottle this morning and made a face from the pain it was causing in my hand.

“What’s Wrong?” My Mom asked.

“Nothing…It hurts my hand opening my water bottle” I said.

My Mom points to my Dad and herself “That’s what we’re here for, we help each other out.”

A stomach bug

Anxiety and Depression

Physical Pain

It’s not easy to admit that something is difficult. I’ve tried to independently get through a stomach bug , anxiety and depression and physical pain.

It was HARD but, in each of these circumstances I ended up Asking for help.

Doing Laundry, Cooking, and Shoveling snow are just a few of the many things that my independence allows me to do.

Sometimes I have to adapt If something is out of reach.

There are somethings that are easier to ask for help with than others.

It’s hard to be dependent especially when you’re independent in a lot of ways. Maybe even a little stubborn too.

It’s nice to know that you have support. Support is found differently for everyone but, there is someone who supports you.

It’s easy to say that it’s “Nothing’ .

It’s challenging but, a weight off of your shoulders to say that it’s “Something”.

Admitting that it’s something doesn’t take away your independence. You’re still in charge of your capability.