“No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.”

“We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.”

The Dead Poets Society “ a classic movie! I saw this movie when I was a freshman in high school. English was one of the classes I did pretty well with. I’ve always loved reading and writing and I’ve been able to express myself fairly well.

Poet laureate ✍🏻 ⌨️📚A previous blog post of poems that I have written

In high school twice I had poems published in the “celebration of young poets “ anthology. I thought then that being a poet was my calling. I’m still living the dream just in a different way.

I’ve taken great pictures with photography and I love to sketch. I’ve sold some of my art and have been commissioned to make art for people .

The road I have taken is more of a winding road instead of a straight road. When I was little the noble pursuit That I really wanted to do in life was become a nurse,

While My Blog isn’t poetry it’s filled with passion!

“No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.”

Another great quote from the movie! ⬆️

My experiences and the creative mind that I have are things that I want to share. I have thoughts and ideas that could make an impact!

There are people who can relate to life experience’s that I have had.! I want to unite with them. I want someone who has a similar life experience in the future to know the capability and strength they have.

I’ve found a noble pursuit!

Your words hurt

Recently a news station shared a story about a former Dr.  who had been charged with a crime. I don’t agree with what the man did! It was wrong! He deserves to go to jail.

Abc 7 story

What I also don’t agree with is how the article was written.

1st.   They used the term “Asperger’s Disease

There used to be Asperger’s syndrome & Autism.  Each had different diagnostic criteria for a diagnosis. DSM 5 which is a diagnostic tool changed things. Asperger’s syndrome isn’t a diagnosis anymore. Instead people are now diagnosed with Autism Spectrum. 

2.  A disease is something that is contagious! The flu or Tuberculosis are infectious disease’s that you don’t want to get! Autism spectrum is NOT contagious and people should not fear Autism Spectrum.

When stories like this are shared and you don’t share accurate information you bring stigma to the people who have the diagnosis you are speculating that person has.

After 2/14/18 there were many articles speculating that the person who committed such a terrible act of murder was on the autism spectrum.

Recent articles have chosen to use the term Developmental Disability  is better than bringing stigma to a specific disability.

New York Times  

You can’t hate someone with a disability because someone who “may” have that disability committed a horrific crime!! There are many great people out there with  disabilities!  We can’t stigmatize the good people who are out there.



A simple thing to do!

People who have disabilities can sometimes feel limited in this busy world. Driving may be something that you are unable to do. You may not have a job. Living on your own may  be impossible.

There is something that you Can do!



You Can vote!

Voting is an extremely important thing to do! It gives you a choice in choosing the best candidate to represent You and Your needs!

Issues that affect a person who has a disability include:

  1. Healthcare  (Specifically Medicaid)
  2. The Americans with Disabilities Act
  3. Supplemental Social Security Income or SSI
  4. Jobs


It is very easy to register to vote!  If you have moved you need to re-register. A great organization that is helping people who have disabilities to get registered for voting is RevUp

One of the things that is important to have and should be complied with an accessible polling place for voting.  An accessible polling place not only means for getting in and  out but also machines for voting or someone to help if they aren’t very high tech.

If your polling place does not have the accommodations that are necessary to make it possible so that  people who have disabilities can vote that needs to be reported!

We can’t have people denying us Our right to vote!

If you can’t get out to a polling place the Absentee Ballot is a great way to vote.

Voting is using  Your voice to choose a candidate who will represent You!  You need to become informed on the candidate that you are going to vote for.

Sometimes the candidate that you voted for does not win an election. Your vote & Your voice counted but your candidate did not get enough votes.

It can be hard when your candidate loses an election. You can’t give up!  The person who is in office needs to hear Your voice! You may not have voted for that person but they were elected into that office and they are representing You!

You need to tell the person elected into office about the laws and programs that affect You!


As someone who votes You can make a difference!

  1. Register to vote
  2. Learn about your candidate
  3. Make sure your Polling Place is Accessible if you plan to go out to vote
  4. Report it, if your Polling place is Un-Accessible
  5. Vote
  6. Whoever gets elected needs to hear about the issues that affect YOU!


It doesn’t define my life!

Sadly I have seen a few stories lately that have been poorly worded. Each were about People. People who had a disability. People who used a wheelchair. Neither of these people had a wheelchair while inside their mother’s womb. Both of these people sleep in beds, take a shower or a bath,ride in a car or bus, go to school, eat at a table. The wheelchair they use for mobility helps them to get to around independently. Their family doesn’t love their wheelchair. The family members love the person who is part of their life. 

Saying that someone is “sadly confined to a wheelchair” or that the indvidual unfortunately cannot” do something because they are in a wheelchair is looking at the chair and not the Person!

To the families that indvidual brought a light into their world when they were born. The person  born expanded the love that was already there. 

You are capable!

Ballet, dressing up , and excelling in school are just a few of the things that someone can be known for. Sometimes you have to be creative! Finding a way to express yourself and learning how to excel shows others what you are capable of.

Don’t be afraid to dream! 

When you meet someone new  you aren’t _______  and I have _____ (Autism/ Down Syndrome / A wheelchair) !

You are ______ and I _______ (Act/ Cook/ am a photographer) !
Shine the light and the love that have on this world!  You make it a better place! 

Adulting & Disability

I think one of the challenges of being an adult with a disability (in this case Asperger’s) is that there is little to no awareness of the challenges faced! Early intervention and a diagnosis are important but, a disability doesn’t just disappear once you turn 18! You’re left facing all of these new experiences with which you don’t have a guide. Independence,finances ,jobs,healthcare,social security,dating & relationships. These are just some of the proverbial mountains that you have begun to climb.

Spreading awareness about just children & teens with a disability doesn’t share enough information on a correct scale. We can learn a lot from the generations who are older than us! If you listen to the people who are now elderly who first had access to vaccinations you learn about the devastation that illness caused and then the change & quality in health that vaccines provided.

There is a lot that you can learn from the stories of adults and the elderly who have a disability. Their stories pave the way for future generations. Listen to them. Learn from them.