International Day Of Person’s with Disability

December 3rd is “International Day Of Person’s with Disabilities

April is a month that is dedicated to Autism Acceptance. October is dedicated to Down Syndrome Awareness. October is also dedicated to blindness awareness.

These are only a few of the many disabilities that are diagnosed. Not every disability has it’s own month to celebrate.

Some people are born disabled. Some people are disabled after an accident or an illness.

Disabled people learn to adapt. Autistic Girls model the behavior they see in their peers. Disabled people born without a limb learn how to grab what they need or how to get from point a to point b. Being Blind doesn’t stop meals from needing to be cooked or laundry from needing to be done. We are taught social and life skills. We find ways to help us survive as we are learning these skills.

We learn that we have to fight for our rights.



SSI (supplemental social security income) SSDI ( Social Security Disability Income)




These are just a few of the areas in which we face hurdles.

Having access to the preventative care and medications that we need allows us to live fuller lives

Disabled people are capable of making the decision being in a committed relationship or making the decision to get married. Taking our benefits away is an archaic practice that I hope is soon changed! Disability does not mean inability to love or feel emotion.

Social Security has not had a raise in quite some time. This means that SSI and SSDI have not had a raise either. In these current crazy pandemic times that we are in this means that jobs may be on hold or people may have lost their and cost of food, housing , transportation, medication are all pretty expensive.

With the right support Disabled People can have an education that is advantageous.

Disabled People make great employees. They are hard working. They are creative, The way they have had to adapt in life helps them in their work. They are smart. They are capable.

Accessibility in our homes and cities is important. If you’re not born disabled the adaptations that are in place to help people may be something that you need when you get older. Accessibility includes everyone.

Shrouded Reality

“The President was seen walking to marine one.“

Today the President after testing positive for the Covid 19 virus (that has infected 7,447,282 Americans as of October 1st and has killed 211,740 Americans ) was taken to Walter Reed Army Medical Center as a precaution

His age and level of fitness put him at a higher risk for complication.

He walked out dressed in a suit and wearing a mask that for so long he had been against.

A fever and fatigue were symptoms that he was feeling. You could see by the way he was walking that he did not feel well.

From March of 1933 to April of 1945 Franklin Delano Roosevelt served as President of the United States.

FDR as he was known had contracted the devastating illness Polio.

Polio affected Roosevelts mobility. He was confined to a wheelchair.

When speaking to world dignitaries or on the campaign trail FDR used a special set of braces to stand. Sometimes his wife spoke for him.

Showing this weakness was not something that he could do. The American people would not trust his capability.

It may be seemingly light years away but, the President on 10/2/2020 had to show that his capability was not impacted.

I don’t think it would have been shown if the President needed assistance in boarding marine one.

Would our nation trust a leader who was reliant on a wheelchair for mobility?

Having An invisible or a visible disability does not mean that intelligence is compromised.

Senator Tammy Duckworth uses a wheelchair for mobility. This does not compromise her ability to serve as a Us Senator. Senator Duckworth is a determined, hard working person. Who listens to the concerns of the people she represents and helps them.

There are still many obstacles that we face in the struggle of creating accessibility and disability acceptance.

I don’t think that it’s impossible for the President of the United States to be disabled or a women!

We need more people like Senator Duckworth and FDR.

People that we can relate to.

People who are capable!

October : Bullying Prevention Month

“Watch out!“

I used my hands to protect the back of my head


My hand ached and stung from where a soccer ball had hit it.

One of my classmates had purposely thrown a soccer ball at me.

I went to the office with a few of my classmates to get an ice pack. It was my dominant hand so taking notes for math class wasn’t possible.

A trip to the Doctor revealed that nothing was broken so it was either sprained or bruised.

October is Bullying Prevention Month

Bullying can be Verbal using mean words to hurt someone’s feelings.

Bullying can be physical like the action my classmate chose.

Being bullied verbally or physically can be very damaging, hurtful to someone emotionally.

Bullying can make someone feel anxious (Not enjoying things, or scared to enjoy things) or depressed (feeling very sad)

There are a lot of disabled people who are bullied.

They feel very shy or anxious trying to make friends

They might not understand when someone is making fun of them and laughing at them vs. when someone is being friendly and laughing with them

Everyone wants to feel included. Everyone wants a friend.

Include others!

Make an effort to make a new friend. Talk to new people. Does someone have a shirt with your favorite character on it? Compliment them on their shirt and ask if they like the movie that character is from.

It’s not easy when someone is bullying you to be able to tell someone.

If you recognize that someone is being a bully verbally or physically towards someone:

Tell a teacher

Tell a counselor

Tell a Parent

Tell a babysitter

Any of these people are people who can help

If you can’t talk to someone on your own have a friend help you.

Normally Bulling Prevention Month is a time where we come together

Though apart we can still make a BIG impact!

By doing something Kind for someone else you can spread Kindness!

We don’t know what someone else is going through

While there are people who are mean to us sometimes they can change.

It uses more energy holding onto being mean or having hate than it does to show kindness and acceptance.

This past spring I was surprised to open up my messages and see a message from someone who had bullied me in the past.

The message meant a lot to me!

It was genuine and from the heart.

Go spread kindness!


It’s been almost 4 years since the 2016 election. Unlike the Olympics that we see every 2 to 4 years where there’s joy, and pride and unity, the days and weeks leading up to this years 2020 election are seemingly filled with existential dread.

Diversity is what makes the United States of America so great.

We definitely do not all seen eye to eye.

After the 2016 election fear, anger, sadness and disbelief overwhelmed many! It didn’t feel real. These feelings were valid! It was okay to feel.




One step forward.

Two steps back!

A tug of war! Human rights.


We’ve marched

We’ve sat in legislative offices


A pandemic destroying US

Fear, Anger, Disbelief, Sadness.


I know that there are other people who can relate to how I felt after the 2016 election. Going into the 2020 election and these last few months of the pandemic have not been easy. Your feelings are valid! The 2016 election , the pandemic and the 2020 election are enough to bring out anxiety , depression, fear, shock in all of us. This does not make you weak!

Here are some things that are helpful:

1. Limit the amount of election coverage that you watch

2. Paint 🎨 Color with crayons or colored pencil, draw✍🏻

3. Go for a bike ride or a run 🏃🏽‍♀️

4. Watch a movie 🍿

5. use sidewalk chalk

6. Write a story & draw pictures for your story

7. Walk your dog 🐕

8. Bake a cake 🎂

9. Write a letter to a friend 📩

10. Check out books from the library

1-800-273-8255 National suicide prevention hotline

“Love on the spectrum” My review of episode two.

Candy hearts

Episode two of the Netflix series “Love on the spectrum “ began with a Autistic Man & Woman on a date. They found out that they both enjoyed the similar interest of Cosplay (I.e dressing up as characters from Anime , Comic books, Television and Movies)

The thing that I could relate to was that the young woman started to have a problem with social anxiety and sensory overload. She had to get up and leave the table. This is a scenario that I have found my self in before. It’s a very vulnerable feeling. It’s almost a “flight or fight instinctual feeling that you get. Pressure builds inside of you like a volcano and to feel better you need to have an “escape getting up and walking around , playing games on your phone , movies on an iPad.

This is a feeling where you shutdown. The conversation stops. Though the man and woman had things that were in common there were awkward pauses in there conversation that really became noticeable when she began to shut down. These awkward pauses are uncomfortable in any type of social situation! It doesn’t feel like there is a connection and both parties lose interest fast.

It has been hard for me at times going out to eat , going to workout, traveling when I experience sensory overload. I use my phone, iPad, music as a way to regroup.

The man that was on the date felt like he had done something wrong. When you’re used to relationships friendships not working out you second guess yourself in the social interactions that you have. You look at how you interacted and try to evaluate what you did wrong. Even if it wasn’t anything that you did. The reaction this man had when the woman got up was worry, empathy and fear.

The second date that they went was to a cosplay convention. It was in a less formal setting and they both had a good time. Before the date the man said how his heart grew 10 times big . It was good analogy for the love that autistic people have to share in relationships.

They have shown different people each time. The new woman that they featured this time was tall ,independent and liked anime. She wanted somebody who was tall and muscular. They asked her Mother if they hoped she would find Love. Her Mother “ said that she hoped her daughter would find love in a relationship ”. This isn’t something that I’ve ever asked my mother about But, I think that’s something that She knows that I want. I think that she wants me to be able to find love in a relationship but, also happiness if it isn’t something that happens.

The woman on the show went to a costume for disabled people of all abilities. They showed her talking to an autistic man dressed as Batman. Again this was hard for me to relate to because a relationship between two autistic people or a relationship between two disabled people isn’t something that I’m looking for. This woman also wanted a a man who was tall and muscular. Her Mother and Sister told she might not find all of those things in a guy. I think this point is true. I’m looking to date someone doesn’t have a disability, is monogamous ( is in a relationship with you person at a time) ,doesn’t have kids, likes to workout, is ambitious. Likes dogs & cats and isn’t a creepy man 10+ years older than me. 🤮👨🏼‍🦳 Relationships are something that you have to be able compromise to begin to with. You aren’t going to find every single detail that you envision. You will fall in love with something that you might not have envisioned in someone that you love.

The woman went on a date with a man who love paleontology (studying dinosaurs 🦖🦕) They had fun with getting to know each other through conversation and because it was Valentine’s Day he brought her chocolate and flowers. They had an uncomfortable moment when it came time for the check. He looked at the bill and asked what she ordered and asked if they should split the bill. She looked panicked 😳 and he ended up paying.

The next autistic man that they showed was Japanese. Most of the people in this series are from Australia. It’s nice that they’re showing the Diversity of Autism Spectrum. Japanese , Australian,Male, Female, LGBTQ, Caucasian , Black. Autism is diverse!

This young man was getting coached by a relationship coach on conversation during a date, Pulling out a chair for his date. It’s hard in a new situation to remember all of the steps or instructions you have to follow. You don’t want to appear rude or uninterested.

Social anxiety, sensory overload, a “big heart “ 💗 , The “perfect “ Date, and Conversation during a date were just a few of the things I found relatable.

Stay tuned for my review on Episode 3!

ADA 30!

Self advocates gathered in the Springfield capitol rotunda

The “ADA” American’s with Disabilities Act was signed into law on July 26, 1990.

I was 3 years old so I don’t remember the signing. I don’t remember any of the photo’s of video that took place at the time of the “crawl in” where people left their wheelchairs and walkers, and canes and made their way up the capitol steps. (I’ve since seen photos from this event)

In  kindergarten I had PT (physical therapy) and OT (occupational therapy ) from Kindergarten up until 6th grade. There was so much time that was mandated for each of those services. I also got help for my learning disability in math and I received speech and language services too.

The American’s With Disabilities Act made….

  1. Wheelchair ramps
  2. Closed Captioning
  3. Assisted listening devices
  4. Braille 
  5. Individualized education plan (IEP’s) 
  6. Service dogs

and much more possible!

Accessibility brings us together. Having an accommodation doesn’t make a person incapable. An accommodation makes it possible for person to learn, work, live,worship with everyone else.

In 2015 many programs in IL faced Budget cuts. Services for mental health, healthcare, and disabled people were under attack.

In 2017  The “ADA” , The Affordable Care Act, SSI & SSDI were some of the many programs that were now in jeopardy For our “most vulnerable”…   ( A blog I wrote about the federal cuts of 2017)

I’ve been to Washington DC and Springfield IL to Advocate for the Programs that help people with Disabilities. I’ve attended conferences where I learned about the devastation eliminating these programs or cutting funds would have.

I’ve probably been in the same room as the people who crawled up the capitol steps in an effort to bring about change. Self Advocates who watched with happy tears in their eyes, 30 years ago as The ADA was signed into law.


Change and progress have happened but, I don’t think that we have reached the pinnacle yet. We’re not through!

That’s not me! 

Take a look around. What do you see? Pictures! Pictures are on websites, in books,tv & movies and magazines. They feature people who are seemingly perfect. Are these pictures realistic? Often times NO! 

Recently I saw an ad for a swimsuit the way the person was in the water it gave the appearance that person was an amputee. Was that the case? Sadly,NO! 

EveryBODY is born differently. We are all unique! This diversity is not accurately represented.

For people who were born with a disability or have had an accident that resulted in a disability there are not a lot of people on websites or in books ,tv & movies, and magazines that have a disability. 

People with disabilities are part of the population. It’s hard to relate to someone or something that doesn’t represent you. 

There are plenty of people who have disabilities who would be a better fit than that stock photo,model or actor! (Abc is doing this right with the show “Speechless) 

Just like everybody is different so is Every Body. Having a model who is perfect modeling clothes is not real. Clothes don’t fit everyone the same way. Just because you have a physical disability doesn’t mean you can’t rock a speedo swimsuit or a gorgeous dress. 

We need more people who have disabilities on websites, in books,tv & movies and magazines. 

Let’s celebrate diversity!